A Coach for Every Game Plan: TV Appearances
By Susan Phinney
Candace Kovner BelAir takes the terror out of television for novices who find themselves before live cameras. BelAir, a former anchor, reporter and producer for CNN, has been a media coach for seven years.
Publishers often hire her to groom first-time authors about to go out on a media tour. She also works with physicians and scientists.
Telling them what colors and fabrics look good on camera is just part of her job. During a four-hour session in a private TV studio (complete with cameras and lights), she teaches them how to handle difficult questions, and tells them it’s OK to smile occasionally. “It doesn’t lessen your credibility,” BelAir assures them.
Clients spend two hours on camera to see how they look, while BelAir plays the role of talk-show host. She critiques these sessions so her students can review the tapes and see how they improved.
But even the best coaching doesn’t always create a win. BelAir describes a former student who was acting like a TV pro until she discovered she was seated in a swivel chair – a chair she proceeded to swivel wildly while on camera. “Be aware of body language,” BelAir now preaches.